Welcome! This site holds an online journal, a photo gallery, information about me which I'd love to share with everyone who is interested.

I fell in love with writing in High School. I love the process of story-telling, sharing bits of my life, and creating an experience with words and pictures. I absolutely love the fact that this site is MINE and I can control everything about it - from what it looks like, to what I say (bursts into a sinister laugh).

I write about my daily adventures - as a mother of a teenager, as a partner to my actor/director boy-friend, as a young woman enjoying the fullness of life, as a girly-girl who loves to shop, and a dancer who still dreams to perform with Madonna.

I like to write about my life, a few brazen thoughts here and there, and finding inspiration and happiness in the small simple pleasures of life. Ok...with the, extravagant and luxurious ones too!

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stealers will have to deal with them...

Copyright © HaNaGiRL 2005-2006 All Rights Reserved.

Julie Christine Reyes

Filipino. 33 y/o. Aug. 28, 1973. Virgo. 5'1, 98 lbs.

Dog lover. World traveller. Product junkie. Obsessive-Compulsive. Neat freak. Unabashedly Vain. Would rather starve than pass up a great pair of heels or a fabulous top. Multi-tasker. Yoga girl. Has an infectious (and somewhat annoying) laugh. Lives for her 4 dogs, her babygirl(Mikah) & her hana (Michael)

  • Craving: season 2 of Prison Break
  • Music: Clocks by Coldplay
  • Tv Show: Prison Break
  • Movie: Apocalypto
  • Website: Garage Sale Online!
  • Addiction: Online Shopping
  • Eating: Krispy Kreme
  • Drinking: Red Wine
  • Crush: Wentworth Miller
  • Resto: Thai at Silk
  • Wanderlust: Australia
  • Picture of the Moment:
  • "Our babygirl w/ Baby Boogie"

    Blue List '06 and '07

    • 1. Ferragamo Incanto EDT
    • 2. MAC G5
    • 3. Toyota Fortuner
    • 4. trip to China
    • 5. trip to Bangkok
    • 6. leather computer chair

    Eigenmann X'mas '06

    Reyes X'mas '06

    Mikah's Dance Recital

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I hate cockroaches...

...with a PASSION! My lola always told me not to use the word hate because it's such a strong word. "Just say you don't like, hija", she would remind me. But I really can't think of a better word to best describe my feelings for these creepy crawlies. Gimme' snakes, spiders or any of those insects and other reptiles that most people fear but not cockroaches. Nah-uh. They're disgusting and they stink like hell. And because of that, I don't think I can ever join Fear Factor.

Speaking of which, last night we were watching that show while having our dinner. I looked up and saw a cockroach hovering (yes, it was one of 'em flying ones!) above my hana's head. It must've flown in from the balcony. I screamed like a banshee and ran to the kitchen, locking my hana, my daughter and the maid out. Yes, it was every man for himself. Funny thing was, I was the only one who seemed to be scared sh!tless! When it landed, my hana casually stepped on it. Dead.

I can't even step on one. It's just the grossest thing ever! I mean, all that greenish/whitish gooey stuff squirting out? No thanks. I use Baygon. Even if it's a baby cockroach, I don't just use a smidgen of the spray. No, no, no. I spray until I see it turn over and die. I follow it around. Spraying contiuously as it tries to run away. That being, I end up using up about half the can on just one roach.

If my handy insect spray is not within reach, here's my other alternative: I get one of my hana's big, heavy shoe and I aim it right above the roach when it's not in motion and just drop the thing on top of it. Take note, I will not crush it while holding the shoe. I drop it. Yes, there is actually a difference.

If there's no spray or shoe at hand, I just scream and run. Which happens most of the time. I'm glad that my home is squeaky clean. Therefore, we rarely have any roaches. Thank God!

I often wondered why God created these domestic pests. Hello? What's their purpose? (eyes rolling)

Yuck. yuck. yuck! Just thinking about them gives me the creeps. Fear is definitely a factor for me when it comes to these menaces. I know I may sound a little too maarte. But hey, we all dread something, right?

Ok, fine. I will listen to my lola.

I LOATHE cockroaches!

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