*sorry for the blurry pic
My dad and I are so alike in so many ways. Like they say, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. In a nutshell, my father is hardworking and is a real jack-of-all-trades. Allow me to break it down for you… Hardworking Dad cannot stand being idle. He doesn't know what it's like to “bum around”. In whatever work he’s in, expect that he will do his best. Very early in the morning, he’s already on his feet, more than ready to seize the day. Case in point, about 3 years ago my dad accompanied my grandfather to the U.S. and never came back. In a span of 6 months, he was able to 1) find a job (with a good employer that was willing to petition him and his wife) 2) get his own apartment 3) buy an SUV. Also, my step-mom and two siblings were able to follow him there. Now, I know they’re working extra hard to buy their dream house. Oh, and dad got another SUV. Lucky? Maybe, but it really has a lot to do with his attitude toward work - A great combination of perseverance and hard work. Jack-of-all-trades Yes, and he’s a master of all. It’s unbelievable how my dad knows how to do a lot of things. He can fix anything from computers to appliances, even build and remodel homes! He knows a lot about cars, guns and can even whip up a mean steak meal. I’d like to believe that I got this amazing trait from him. During his younger days, dad was a real lady-killer. He was a dead ringer for William Martinez. I swear! Even at 48 (yes, he’s very young. He had me when he was only 17), he’s still “gwapo”. Dad is not your typical father that hugs and kisses you and tells you he loves you. Sometimes, I wish he were though. He has always had a problem showing his emotional side. But somehow, I have learned to accept my dad, for his shortcomings and for the mistakes he has done in the past. Who am I to judge anyway? We’re all human. Just like what I said about my mom, my father may not be the greatest there is, but he’s my dear daddy, and I love him immensely. So to daddy dearest, Happy Fathers Day!
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